SOLUTIONS was conceived on-screen. Composed and worked in digital files in a way that parallels the processes of etching a copper plate that is the vehicle carrying idea from artist, to print, to viewer.  Each time I review these images the temptation to tinker is nigh irresistible but eventually the manipulation had to stop and I went to press, to the 'printer' and made manifest prints that take up space. 
On paper, the dynamism of each image takes on a momentum of its own.  I'm distracted by the transformation from screen to paper as I am by the first proof from any printing plate, and by the ephemera produced in the printing process ... borders where there weren't and won't be, trim-marks, bleed-edges, paper qualities ... yes those in-studio concerns, and borders were not in the plan, in the mind's eye, but could they?  Now, all the rules have changed, could they be?
Some don't make out well on paper.  I'm struck afresh that images have a 'right' medium.  Some work on screen only and that's where they must stay.  Some are prints from now on and after appearing here their screen-life is over. 
People have seen them, liked with interest and loathed by their indifference.  Conclusions cross their faces and questions are posed.  Asked bluntly or with care, some questions seem startlingly obvious.  Arrantly, I assumed these would answer themselves.  Not so.  Of course they don't. 
They peer closely and try to read.  However obscured, abstracted in form or impenetrable in meaning, numbers and letters where sense and message lie demand the reading reflex irrespective of context. 
Q.  What do the numbers mean?   Q.  Is it a book?  Q.  Will you print it?
The colour borrows from the softwares that SOLUTIONS is made in - the blues of scroll bar, operating system, highlights and notation.  The colours of successful software packages are simultaneously attractive, functional and unobtrusive.  This palette is intrinsic. 
The bookmarks serve a dual function - retrieval and colour.  A precious love token, even a favoured one's strand of hair can mark a page, any-old tat can, ticket-stubs, old mail, advertising, ntm custom buys from the trinket counter.  There is a fine-craft-art history of bookmarks.  We 'mark' books and magazines and the notion persists as 'favourites' and 'favicons' and the personalizing of digital devices. 
Explanations don't necessarily explain all.  It is tempting not to answer questions, to think 'viewers problem now I've done my bit', but equally tempting is to fill in the gaps the questions reveal, that I dreadfully realize I've skated over ... or missed.  It is lazy not to answer and mysteriousness in not mystery. 
On screen and off we love to indulge in solitary game-play ranging from very elaborate cgi wonders with career stuctures and statistics, to games and puzzles like Patience and Sudoku.  Apparently ref: Wikipedia, there are fewer sudoku puzzles than I had thought. 
The primitive on-line free-to-view (halcyon days) London Times offered cross-words and sudoku.  In a way or for a reason I cannot now understand, the equally primitive computer I dreamt at the time to be the bee's-knees of tech recorded the sequences of letters and numbers as I completed the puzzles. 
The strings of cross-word letters made nonsense, the numbers made no sense at all. 
I liked no-sense better and I learnt that I could copy, paste, and save the Solutions.  Once begun, I saved sudoku solution after solution separating each with either 'return', or, there being no nought in the game, a 'zero'. 
In 2010, The Times on-line became Pay To View and spoilt my game.  Saved from myself I stopped abruptly as there are limits even to having a good time, and as with the news, sudoku is available from other providers. 

What did such a display of curiosity, but equally of amateur geekery mean?  Surely there were better and more respectable ways of idly interacting with my screen - shopping, selling, planning a holiday, networking, ... gambling? ... Yes, Games!
I feel almost shy admitting this but Solutions was transferred from Hard Drive to Hard Drive to sit on my desk-top still, an idea, or half an idea too fragile and fugitive to pursue, perhaps a nothing-in-waiting to be an idea. 
Why couldn't I consign this 'Solutions' document to digital oblivion?  What to do with pages of nearly nought-less numbers, are they pretty?  No, not pretty of themselves.  Do they mean anything?  No, again.  Did they ever?  Not really these redundant solutions to problems solving nothing ... time fillers in periods of calm where I was pitted against less than 'fate' and less also than the tribulations and turmoils of daily grinding, and if for that and nothing more, the string of meaningless numerals solved a little something, provided a pause of comfort, security and solace in mini-triumph. 
Are they beautiful?   No they shouldn't be, but the unintelligible solution could be and can. 

Questions?  Please ask.  I'd welcome them at :


marked SOLUTIONS and SOLUTIONS two can be downloaded free from issuu
PDFs of commentary and a SOLUTIONS print list can be downloaded here :